OC OPEN CITY International Summer School 2015, in coincidence with the Milano Expo 2015 event, aims to deal with the challenge proposed by Expo’s topic: ‘Feeding (the) Landscape’. The background of the topic involves three different kinds of “scapes”. Food-Scape targets to integrate the physical expression of the three principals of the “food cycle” in the urban fabric of Piacenza: production (urban orchards and agro-parks), distribution (markets consisting of moving devices) and consumption (new generation of restaurants). Expo-Scape reinterprets the Expo topic according to a specific point of view that is more oriented to spatial disciplinary addressed to architectural and urban design. Land-Scape grasps the panorama (landscape/environment), as the sight object, in several scales of interaction and with different hierarchies. This new perception conceives the soil as a precious and active resource. Workshop’s goal is to design a new museum of agriculture (green and active).
Juan Carlos Dall'Asta
Michele Roda